The New Normal After the COVID-19 Pandemic

People in all age groups experience loss in different ways. In fact, there are no right or wrong ways to process your experience. If you or your loved ones are experiencing any of these symptoms or difficulties, together we can find ways to get you out of these situations and feelings.   

  • Feeling sad, stressed out, depressed, and/or anxious

  • Having thoughts of suicide

  • Becoming withdrawn and stressed

  • Feeling overwhelmed and fatigued

  • Avoiding hygiene measures (showering, combing hair, brushing teeth)

  • Experiencing sleeplessness or having nightmares or anxiety-inducing dreams

  • Consuming more alcohol and drugs

  • Lacking focus and motivation

  • Engaging more frequently with technology


    “We humans are resilient. We can learn to thrive in our new normal if we have the mindset and the resources we need to adapt.”  —Lisa Betz

Seek the Help You Need

Everyone, including you, deserves to be heard and receive support. But it often takes tremendous courage to make changes. Finding a therapist at this time can feel like a job, especially if you have never been in therapy before or wonder whether Telehealth or in-person is better or safer for you and your family. Think of this as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and help yourself find hope in this uncertain time. It’s a time to build on or even discover your strengths. Finding the right therapist is a process, just like therapy itself. The right chemistry is key. Keep in mind that if things don’t feel right to you, you are not stuck. Look further. Allow yourself to be open and vulnerable and let the therapist help and guide you.

What we can do together:

  • Provide a safe place to talk about the feelings you are experiencing— worry, sadness, anger, helplessness, etc.

  • Help identify your thought and behavior patterns that might not be serving you well

  • Increase your ability to tolerate and live with ambiguous loss

  • Help you to develop self-compassion and rediscover your strengths and resilience

  • Learn to develop new, healthy coping skills

  • Find hope and new meaning in life again

Free Resources: